All languages
Qualified professional translators
For all industries
Server GDPR compliant
Hosted in Germany
All languages
Qualified professional translators
For all industries
Server GDPR compliant
Hosted in Germany
As a team of highly qualified professionals, we offer translations at a fair price. Our employees have years of experience in translating a wide variety of texts. They bring their expertise in various fields and working techniques to the table. We provide translations in all languages, taking into account all their particularities.

We treat the content of manuscripts sent to us with the strictest confidentiality, so that internal company information, unique names, patient information, statistical evaluations and similar information are used exclusively for the requested translation.

Machine translation, CAT tools, translation memories and termbases have become indispensable in the translation industry. Therefore, our linguists also work with the most up-to-date tools. You benefit from excellent quality, lower prices and shorter delivery times.

All languages

We translate your texts into all languages. We have the right native-speaker specialist translators for every subject area. We also take into account country specifics and adapt texts accordingly upon request.

Data protection

We encrypt all data - both during transmission and on the storage location of our protected servers in compliance with GDPR. Your files are securely stored and transmitted using TLS 1.2 encryption.

File formats

We work with any text formats you might need. 

As a team of highly qualified professionals, we offer translations at a fair price. Our employees have years of experience in translating a wide variety of texts. They bring their expertise in various fields and working techniques to the table. We provide translations in all languages, taking into account all their particularities.

We treat the content of manuscripts sent to us with the strictest confidentiality, so that internal company information, unique names, patient information, statistical evaluations and similar information are used exclusively for the requested translation.

Machine translation, CAT tools, translation memories and termbases have become indispensable in the translation industry. Therefore, our linguists also work with the most up-to-date tools. You benefit from excellent quality, lower prices and shorter delivery times.

All languages

We translate your texts into all languages. We have the right native-speaker specialist translators for every subject area. We also take into account country specifics and adapt texts accordingly upon request.

Data protection

We encrypt all data - both during transmission and on the storage location of our protected servers in compliance with GDPR. Your files are securely stored and transmitted using TLS 1.2 encryption.

File formats

We work with any text formats you might need.


ab 0,08€ / Wort

All languages

Machine Translation (MT)

Incl. simple revision by qualified translator

Best price

For non-critical documents

For many industries


ab 0,11€ / Wort

All languages

MT and qualified professional translators

Incl. Quality control (4-eyes principle)

First class quality

Proofreading on request

For all industries


ab 0,16€ / Wort

All languages

MT and qualified professional translators

Incl. Revision

Incl. Proofreading (6-eyes principle)

For optimal results

For all industries


ab 0,08€ / Wort

All languages

Machine Translation (MT)

Incl. simple revision by qualified translator

Best price

For non-critical documents

For many industries


ab 0,11€ / Wort

All languages

MT and qualified professional translators

Incl. Quality control (4-eyes principle)

First class quality

Proofreading on request

For all industries


ab 0,16€ / Wort

All languages

MT and qualified professional translators

Incl. Revision

Incl. Proofreading (6-eyes principle)

For optimal results

For all industries